Masters Students from the Hirschmann Grant
Hirschmann grant for master's degree students attending Swiss universities of applied sciences
Nazanin Asbaghipour
Policy Fellow: International cooperation & sustainable development and Peace & Security
Welcome! We are foraus.
foraus is a grassroots organization based on a network of Swiss and international volunteers. Thanks to its unique model, the think tank serves as a voice for young thinkers who want to shape tomorrow’s foreign policy. The majority of the members are young professionals, academics and experts who are committed to working towards a constructive and scientifically based foreign policy debate. The work of our volunteers is supported by two offices in Bern and Geneva.
If you are interested in moderations and/or expert opinions, our office, board and policy fellows will be happy to assist you.
Masters Students from the Hirschmann Grant
Hirschmann grant for master's degree students attending Swiss universities of applied sciences
Nazanin Asbaghipour
Policy Fellow: International cooperation & sustainable development and Peace & Security