Andra-Lucia Martinescu

Andra-Lucia Martinescu

Andra-Lucia Martinescu is pursuing a part-time PhD in the geopolitical history of the Black Sea at University of Cambridge in the UK. She has worked for prestigious think-tanks such as RAND Europe, the Royal United Services Institute for Security & Defence (RUSI) and the Foreign Policy Centre (London), where she is currently Research Fellow for the post-Soviet space. She was also a Resident Fellow in the British Army (RMAS), specialising in military history, operational and conflict analysis. In 2018 she founded The Diaspora Initiative (TDI) with Cătălina Moisescu, a non-profit and independent research project registered in Luxembourg, focusing on migration and diaspora analysis. Andra-Lucia addresses a variety of topics, with her most recent publications focusing on: the war in Ukraine, humanitarian and ecological impacts, concepts of resistance and resilience in a conflict zone (building on extensive field investigations). Andra is an EUDiF (EU Global Diaspora Facility) affiliated expert, and since last year, she has been coordinating humanitarian operations for a consortium of civil organisations in the UK.