
PoliTisch is a foraus format promoting migration dialogue across Switzerland. A host invites representatives from different sectors, political orientations and backgrounds to a personal discussion on the topic of migration. From the starter to the dessert, fundamental questions as well as concrete recommendations for action are discussed. In the confidential atmosphere of a common dinner, bridges can be built and visions can be created that go beyond the politics of the day.

Between 2016 and 2018, foraus organised over 50 policy tables with more than 500 personalities: in all language regions of Switzerland, in urban and rural areas, as well as in Rome, Paris and Berlin. As a result, foraus published the publications «PoliTisch – 3 Jahre Migrationsdialog» and «Neuland» (NZZ Libro).

PoliTisch gets its personal framework and local anchoring from a host on-site. The hosts of the PoliTisch include personalities such as former Federal Councillor Pascal Couchepin, ICRC Vice President Christine Beerli, SRF Director Ruedi Matter, State Laboratory Director Alenka Bonnard,GENTINETTA*SCHOLTEN Managing Partner Heike Scholten theatre director Lorenzo Malaguerra, Fondation Hirondelle Secretary General Philippe Bovey, Sandbox Founder Antoine Verdon, former Secretary of State Charles Kleiber and young politician Mathuran Poopalapillai.

«Wenn Menschen früh oder gar von Anfang an Teil der politischen Debatte sind, können sie ihren Willen viel genauer ausdrücken als mit einem Ja oder Nein ganz am Schluss.»

To the article «Tagesmenü heute: Deliberative Demokratie» (swissinfo, 30.3.2018)


«Migrationspolitik des Guten Mutes» (NZZ, 11.5.2017)


Der digitale Think Tank Foraus erobert die Welt (Die Volkswirtschaft, 23.5.2017)


«Migranten sind keine Störung der helvetischen Gemütlichkeit» (SRF, 23.5.2017)

The dialogue format PoliTisch, which has been perfected over three years, can be used for any topic:


  • to promote social understanding on polarising issues;
  • to delve deeper into questions, theses or ideas with stakeholders and multipliers;
  • to gain discursive analytical insights into positions, narratives, and arguments.

We are happy to help you with the concept or implementation of PoliTisch dialogues in your field. Contact Eduardo Belinchon for more information.