EU citizens in Switzerland: your voice, your opinion!

Environment, transport and energy

Science & Tech


Project duration

April 2022

December 2022

EU citizens living permanently in Switzerland make up approximately 16% of the total population (incl. EFTA and UK) and can hence be considered the biggest expatriate community in Switzerland (as of 2020). A large part has been living in Switzerland for many years, pay taxes and are an essential part of society. Nevertheless, EU citizens in Switzerland have very limited opportunities to take part in decision-making processes and their voice is hardly or not at all perceived in the public discourse. With our project, we are contributing to address this democratic deficit.

Over September and October 2022, an iterative workshop series was organized in Basel, Zurich and Geneva, during which visions for the future collaboration between the EU and Switzerland in the policy areas of (1) climate, (2) migraton, and (3) governance of data and artificial intelligence systems were developed by participants. The results were shared at the Europa Forum during an exclusive event with key stakeholders in Luzern on 23 November 2022.
Methodology: For this project we used visioning, a participatory foresight methodology as well as a dedicated plattform on our policy innovation tool Policy Kitchen to crowdsource participants’ ideas.

With the support of